X-Cleaner is hands-down the most robust and feature packed anti-spyware and system cleaning tool on the planet. It has been referred to as the swiss-army knife for privacy minded consumers.
You can shred files, picture, old system artifacts, temp files and cookies. You can clean other program artifacts and X-cleaner let's you inoculate your system against rogue Active-X controls.
The program doesn't stop there but supports full adware, malware and spyware scanning, plus removal and encyclopedia look-up! And to make it more powerful a suite of features for advanced users is included.
To make it truly powerful X-Cleaner offers a full year of access to their mobile scanning solution so you can check a PC from anywhere! Unlike many other companies X-Cleaner also offers frequent updates and to all current members in good-standing.
This is all backed-up by our friendly e-mail based tech support. If you run into a problem our award-winning tech support will work with you every step of the way to help you out. You will be working with trained anti-spyware technicians who are extremely experienced on the spyware market.