App Cloner For Android

Using App Cloner you can create and install copies of your existing apps.
A cloned app runs in parallel and works independently from the original app. This means the cloned app will not receive automatic updates allowing you to 'safely' update the main app knowing that if an update breaks or ruins the app you can still use the clone.
Cloning an app is also useful for single-account apps such as Facebook or Skype if you want to run the app using a secondary account alongside the main app.
Cloned apps use their own settings and local file storage, which allows cloned versions to be pre-configured for a specific use.

You can rename app clones and modify the launcher icon to distinguish the clone from the original app.
Full version features
The full version offers many additional features:
* Create multiple app clones
* Clone watch apps or watch faces
* Save or share cloned apps
* Change the color of launcher icons
* Remove launcher icons
* Allow/prevent app backups
* Allow apps to be installed on the external SD-card
* Disable app defaults
* Disable auto-start
* Disable watch apps
* Exclude app from recents
* Remove app permissions
* Enable multi-window mode for Samsung devices
Not all apps can be cloned. Cloned apps may crash, show errors or work incorrectly.
Cloning an app will change its certificate, which means the new app may not work in case it verifies its certificate or if it interacts with other apps by the same publisher.
App components that depend on the certificate such as Google Play services, Google Maps or Google Cloud Messaging will not work and/or break the cloned app.
Most Google apps can't be cloned. Apps with extension files, for example really large games, can't be cloned either.